Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog....That is the Question!!

So I sit here truly writing my first blog and am wondering why I am doing this. Maybe because lately I have had so many thoughts and not known how else to express them except write them down. Is blogging the answer? Is that what makes the mind feel lighter and feel like you just had a thought release process. But can one really write freely, without the judgemental thoughts of others? Is that whay one resorts to the cold hard world of the world wide web! Are we to scared to express those thoughts freely with the people in our real world?To blog or not to blog is the question..well lets give it a try and see where this goes....and if I will be able to express honestly and openly! I will try and write a daily does of blog just like I have MY MORNING CUP OF CHAI!

The few poems that I wrote a few weeks ago, were all because of my mental state at that point. So many thoughts...:the desire to understand the human mind and what makes it tick, the feeling to run fast and hard and let the mind just go blank so there is nothing but the adrenaline rush, to be sitting and digging my feet in the white pristine sandy beach looking out to endless turqoise blue waters, feeling the susurrous of the wind and listening to the rustle of the white curtains behind me...

So I look forward to my next cup of chai tomorrow morning...


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!I look forward to reading more! :)

  2. Thanx Michelle! I am no writer..but I guess it will help me express my thoughts!
