Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do people like Dr. House really exist?

There are days when we wish we had all the answers, and knew exactly where we are headed. Do people join medicine for the love of money or for the love of curing people. Lately, I have started to wonder. Are we just a number in their office and I do not mean a call number but a dollar number. Wouldn't it be nice to have a medical system that looked at a person WHOLEistically....

I am sure there are lots of people out there like me...who are frustrated more than anything about getting the run around from one place to another and from one doctor to another. Is that really the solution? Don't they think that all these symptoms might really be a way of a persons body reacting to one thing...and maybe there is one answer. The human body is a very complex yet smart creation. It has a way of telling you that somethings not right..and our job is to figure it out. The doctors easy solution lies in looking at your body in pieces and ignoring the whole. They would rather move you along..its kind of like the game I played of pass the parcel when I was little. Except in this case I am the parcel...

And when they have exhausted their time with you(which could be a whole 10 minutes) they do proceed to tell you that its probably all in your head. I know the human mind is an amazing thing with very powerful characteristics...but can you actually simulate physical signs? Maybe they want us to believe in the power of the secret and if we believe we are okay..we will really be okay! It really does to a certain extent...but then when the underlying factors start flaring up again- you really wonder if your mind is not powerful enough! Maybe its not your body that has the problems but your mind.

Well...another day..another round of passing around from here to there. There is not much one can do but face every moment with a smile and say I am strong and I can do this! I will not let people pull me down! Life is too precious a gift to be thrown away! Use the love of the people in your life to stay strong, focused and motivated to find a solution!

I can barely feel the warmth of my chai cup anymore...down to the bottom but never out!! Till tomorrow! Huggs ...

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